Start-Up Digital Marketing

Start-Up Smart – Lay Solid Digital Marketing Foundations!

The most costly mistake a start-up can make?  Creating a digital presence that needs to be “undone” a few months later.  BThe cost of undoing and redoing bad SEO and bad social could mean the end of your start-up!  Get a start-up package that won’t chew through all your marketing budget and will teach you how to manage your own digital marketing in that first tenuous year.  You bring the website, we’ll do the rest!

$2500 Start Up Digital Marketing Package


Copywriting brisbane chess piece icon

  •  1 x consultation with an SEO Strategist
  • 1 x consultation with a Social Media Strategist


Start Up SEO

  • Keyword research
  • Competitor research
  • 1 x page sales copy


Facebook for start ups

  • 2 hours graphic design
  • Starter content plan
  • Initial Facebook fan acquisition

Search Marketing

Start Up adwords audits

  • Audit of your Adwords campaign to maximise value and ROI

Email Marketing

email list building for start ups

  • Initial authentic list building


“You’ve done some great work on my site! If it wasn’t for you guys, I wouldn’t have the traffic.  I get a lot of traffic, and I’m only a small business.  I’m obsessed by my Analytics and they are all coming from Google – people comment, I must have great SEO work for my little business.” –  Anna Shipley, Sweet Little Dreams

One month and you’re set to grow!

In 30 days you’ll have the foundations of a great start-up plus pro advice for making the right digital impact in your first year.  The sooner you get started, the sooner your start-up can get growing.

Book it it and get growing!

social media and online marketing strategies Brisbane

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